Autodoprava Císař

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Tel.: +420 577 921 555, E-mail:

International truck transport and spedition

Already since 1991 our company deals with the truck service; It has become a successfully developed transporting company focused in international truck transport in the West and South Europe in a short time. Italy is our main destination at present.

Our own vehicle fleet counting 5 tarpaulin high-volume sets is at disposal to our customers.

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Our services

  • International truck transport.
  • Specialization in states of the West Europe (especially in Italy).
  • ADR dangerous goods transport.
  • Sliding equipment of the tarpaulin truck superstructures (possibility of crane loading).
  • Total loading space 120 m3.
  • Weight of the goods transported up to 24 tons.
  • Forwarding (securing of domestic and foreign transports by trucks of contract carriers).
  • Communication in foreign languages.
  • Customs office in the place of business.
  • Possibility of the goods reloading.